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About 'diet and healthy eating habits'|Easy Ways to Develop Your Healthy Dieting Habit - Healthy Eating Tips

About 'diet and healthy eating habits'|Easy Ways to Develop Your Healthy Dieting Habit - Healthy Eating Tips

Fast               food               is               that               invisible               .63               caliber               revolver               aimed               directly               at               consumers.

The               main               target,               however,               are               college               students               who               desire               its               convenience               and               affordability.

And               these               days,               being               young               is               the               only               thing               you               need               to               score               a               golden               ticket               to               eat               just               about               anything               your               stomach               desires.

Eating               habits               have               evolved               with               the               pressure               exerted               by               student               life               today.

This               translates               to               more               time               for               school               work               and               less               and               less               time               for               other               activities,               including               eating.

Students               these               days               want               their               food,               fast.

And               with               the               college               student's               meager               budgets,               who               can               afford               to               resist               the               cheap               and               greasy               tacos               and               fries               they               serve               at               the               fast               food               joints               around               the               corner?

Does               college               really               translate               to               an               unhealthy               eating               lifestyle?

The               article               Healthy               Eating               Habits               and               Dining               Halls:               10               Tips               for               College               Students               offers               some               excellent               advice               on               tackling               healthy               eating               in               your               college               dining               hall.

But               healthy               eating               doesn't               have               to               stop               there.

Modern               technology               has               definitely               improved               humanity's               lifestyle.

But               are               college               students               living               it               the               healthy               way?

The               youth               today               don't               have               it               easy.

With               the               grueling               pressures               of               a               rapidly               advancing               society               and               the               burden               of               society's               enormous               expectations               to               shoulder,               eating               has               become               a               luxury               afforded               by               time.

Often               cramped               in               a               dormitory               hundreds               of               miles               away               from               home,               kids               no               longer               take               brown               bag               lunches               to               school,               sealed               by               mom's               loving               hands,               nor               do               they               have               much               time               to               hang               around               at               home               for               a               taste               of               a               good               old               home-cooked               meal.

Then               comes               the               wonder               of               food               today:               fresh,               hot               and               served               fast.

Hence,               bad               calories               have               become               the               primary               energy               source               for               the               increasingly               demanding               student               lifestyle.

Boxes               of               pizza               litter               study               halls,               bags               of               potato               chips               and               colas               are               a               staple               during               all-nighters               and               the               vending               machine               is               every               crammer's               all-around               nutrient               source.

The               one               word               by               which               the               health               of               this               generation's               future               lives               by.

But               in               the               name               of               money               and               convenience,               is               it               really               worth               that               sacrifice?

It's               part               of               the               heritage               of               many               cultures               to               treasure               the               communal               value               of               mealtime.

However,               today,               it               seems               like               this               tradition               has               weakened               steadily.

Late               hours               at               the               office               have               hindered               parents               from               attending               to               their               kids'               meals.

The               solution?

Restaurant               takeout,               fast               food               drive-thrus               and               frozen               processed               chicken               nuggets               and               microwave               dinners.
               The               lifestyles               of               students               nowadays               has               been               driven               into               unhealthy               eating               habits               that               only               consider               convenient               options.

It's               nice               to               live               a               life               where               everything               comes               in               handy.

Then               again,               it's               not               worth               the               sacrifice               of               putting               one's               health               at               stake.

It's               fun               to               eat               while               sharing               good               times               with               peers               and               cohorts               but               it's               still               best               to               be               mindful               of               one's               diet               when               considering               the               effects               and               their               consequences.

It's               a               matter               of               disciplining               oneself               and               learning               to               control               one's               eating               habits,               and               these               tips               show               that               it's               not               too               difficult.

Start               the               day               right
               In               the               morning,               when               most               of               us               are               still               too               groggy               to               prepare               breakfast,               we               occasionally               break               out               the               Pop               Tarts               and               put               them               in               the               toaster,               or               open               a               pack               of               instant               noodles               into               a               bowl               of               steaming               water               and               voila,               breakfast               is               served               in               under               five               minutes.

Worse,               when               the               clock               is               ticking               way               too               fast,               a               lot               of               students               opt               to               skip               breakfast               once               and               for               all.

Breakfast               is               the               most               important               meal               of               the               day,               because               just               like               it               says,               it               "breaks"               our               "fast",               which               takes               place               during               the               time               we're               asleep.

Skipping               breakfast               makes               you               groggy               and               shortens               you               attention               span.
               Have               a               small               portion               of               milk               or               yogurt               together               with               a               piece               of               bread               (go               for               rye               or               wheat,               and               stave               off               the               temptation               of               devouring               an               entire               bagel-eating               too               much               carbs               can               make               you               sleepy).

Cereals               are               also               a               healthy               option,               but               avoid               the               sugary               kind.

Bran               flakes               are               a               good               option,               they               taste               good               and               they're               packed               with               fiber,               too!

A               glass               of               juice               like               orange               or               cranberry               are               also               good               (stay               away               from               sweetened               varieties).

Exercise               as               often               as               you               can
               Finding               ways               to               burn               the               excess               calories               will               certainly               pay               off-and               with               pride-when               the               weighing               scale               starts               registering               the               right               figures!

Many               of               us               have               a               hard               time               setting               aside               time               for               a               daily               30-minute               exercise               routine,               but               you               can               squeeze               in               some               exercise               through               a               busy               day               at               school.

The               stairs,               for               one,               is               a               great               alternative               to               the               elevator.

If               your               class               is               on               the               10th               floor               of               a               building               for               example,               take               the               elevator               all               the               way               to               the               7th               floor               before               you               get               off               and               use               the               stairs               to               get               to               the               tenth.

This               way,               you               don't               have               to               break               a               sweat               exercising               but               you               still               get               to               move               and               stretch               your               sedentary               muscles.

Incorporating               a               30-minute               brisk               walk               into               the               daily               routine               is               a               good               way               to               jumpstarting               a               calorie-burning               frenzy.

Walk               as               often               as               you               can;               if               you               have               the               time,               walk               instead               of               taking               the               commute.

Watch               your               sweets
               There's               always               room               for               something               tasty               as               long               as               it's               balanced               with               the               right               amount               of               vegetables               and               fruits.

You               can               occasionally               indulge               on               a               slice               of               chocolate               cake               or               some               ice               cream,               provided               that               you               do               so               with               discretion.

Have               only               one               full               serving               of               a               dessert               item               a               day,               and               stave               off               the               temptation               of               having               more               servings.

The               less               servings               of               dessert               per               week,               the               better.

You               can               think               of               it               as               a               sort               of               reward               for               keeping               up               a               week               of               healthy               eating.

Reduced               fat               desserts,               frozen               yogurt               and               sugar-free               treats               are               healthier               alternatives.

Gelato               also               contains               less               fat               than               regular               ice               cream.

If               you're               craving               for               something               sweet,               try               eating               fruits               instead.

They're               sweet,               not               costly,               have               less               fat               and               pack               in               so               much               flavor               and               vitamins,               too.

Avoid               takeout
               It's               always               tempting               to               settle               for               restaurant               takeout-they're               fast,               convenient               and               don't               have               to               cost               a               lot.

On               the               other               side               of               it,               takeout               often               consists               of               food               slathered               in               generous               amounts               of               re-used               oil,               and               meat               portions,               for               example,               are               often               very               fatty.

You               could               eat               so               much               takeout               before               your               forehead               starts               becoming               shiny               from               all               the               oil!

Eating               in               your               university               or               college               dining               hall               is               a               healthier               option,               and               you               can               fill               up               with               veggies               over               there,               too.

On               your               trips               to               the               grocery,               you               can               also               buy               prepackaged               salads               to               make               for               healthy,               cheap               and               hassle-free               meals.

Load               up               on               fruits.

Take               a               small               fruit               along               with               you               so               you               have               something               to               snack               on               throughout               the               day;               it'll               help               you               avoid               trips               to               the               vending               machine               or               the               temptation               of               fatty,               sugary               snacks.

With               a               bit               more               time,               you               can               also               come               up               with               your               own               deli               sandwiches               to               lunch               on.

This               is               a               good               way               to               save               up               a               few               bucks,               too.

On               your               next               trip               to               the               grocery,               buy               some               precooked               turkey               breast               slices,               ready               to               be               slathered               on               some               whole               wheat               or               rye               bread.

Pair               this               up               with               some               mustard,               a               slice               of               cheese,               fresh               tomatoes,               onions,               and               lettuce.

You               don't               even               have               to               get               anywhere               near               the               stove!

Stay               away               from               sugary               drinks
               The               temptation               of               sugary               drinks               is               everywhere!

Vending               machines               carry               cans               of               soda,               your               college               dining               hall               is               loaded               with               iced               tea               and               sports               drinks,               grocery               stores               have               refrigerator               aisles               full               of               carbonated               fruit               beverages,               flavored               coffee,               and               all               the               root               beer               you               could               ever               want.

It's               hard               to               avoid               encountering               these               sweet               treats               but               a               bit               of               control               should               do               the               trick.

Students               tend               to               load               up               on               sugar               to               max               up               alertness               levels,               and               it               doesn't               take               very               long               before               one               can               of               soda               empties               and               another               one               is               opened.

Even               meals               are               not               complete               without               these               beverages.
               It's               no               wonder               that               diabetes               is               becoming               more               and               more               prevalent               in               younger               age               groups.

A               high-sugar               diet               coupled               with               a               sedentary               lifestyle               is               the               perfect               breeding               ground               for               this               ailment.

Avoid               these               drinks               whenever               possible.

Water               is               still               the               best               drink               there               is;               it's               zero-calorie               and               your               body               needs               huge               quantities               of               it               everyday.

For               a               light               caffeine               boost,               take               some               tea               or               coffee,               but               try               to               minimize-or               better               yet,               eliminate-the               added               sugar.

It               only               takes               a               little               getting               used               to,               after               all.

Low               fat               milk,               skim               milk               or               soy               milk               are               good               too,               and               they               have               excellent               nutritional               values.
               A               hectic               college               lifestyle               doesn't               have               to               translate               to               unhealthy               habits.

Simple               efforts               to               escape               that               sedentary               trap               may               make               all               the               difference.

As               Sam               Ewing               once               put               it,               "It's               not               the               minutes               we               spend               at               the               table               that               put               on               weight.

It's               the               seconds."               And               even               if               people               have               to               hack               up               the               weighing               scale               a               few               pounds               to               get               it               to               spell               out               the               right               figures,               making               smart,               informed               choices               today               will               certainly               help               add               years               to               their               lives               and               life               to               their               years.

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diet and healthy eating habits

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    About 'healthy energy boost'|Get a Healthy Breakfast Boost, Doable Challenge No. 1

    About 'healthy energy boost'|Get a Healthy Breakfast Boost, Doable Challenge No. 1

    When               you               need               an               energy               boost               after               a               tiring               day,               hours               of               fasting               or               after               a               strenuous               workout,               opt               for               quick,               healthy               and               flavorful               homemade               energy               snacks.

    Caffeine               and               many               processed               snacks               can               give               you               a               quick               energy               boost,               but               they               tend               to               put               you               on               a               quick               high               followed               by               a               rapid               energy               drain.

    Besides,               they               cannot               compete               with               natural               energy               boosting               snacks               in               their               nutrition.

    Here               are               some               recipes               for               natural               homemade               energy               boosting               snacks               that               help               you               sustain               hours               of               energy               and               vitality.
                   •               Nuts               and               Seeds-               Munch               a               fistful               of               your               favorite               nuts               and               seeds               when               you               are               tired.

    Raw               almonds,               pecans,               cashews,               walnuts,               pistachios,               sunflower               seeds,               etc.

    provide               sustainable               energy               levels               and               plenty               of               vitamins               and               other               nutrients               like               calcium,               magnesium,               potassium,               zinc,               iron,               etc.
                   A               milkshake               with               nuts               is               a               filling               and               flavorful               energy               boosting               snack.

    Beat               15-20               of               your               favorite               nuts               with               a               cup               of               sweetened               milk               to               make               a               milkshake               with               a               crunchy               feel.
                   Remember               that               raw               nuts               and               seeds               are               healthier               than               roasted,               salted               and               flavored               ones.
                   •               Dry               fruits               -               Dry               fruits               like               raisins,               dates,               figs,               dry               apricots,               etc.

    have               high               fructose               and               glucose               contents               which               serve               as               ideal               natural               energy               boosters.

    Dry               fruits               are               also               tasty               and               nourishing               with               stores               of               plenty               of               fiber,               iron               and               vitamins.

    The               fiber               causes               them               to               be               digested               slowly.

    So               energy               is               released               gradually               for               a               long               time.

    So               you               can               get               a               sustained               energy               boost               for               hours               after               a               dry               fruit               snack.
                   You               can               make               a               milk               shake               with               your               choice               of               dry               fruits.

    You               do               not               even               have               to               add               sweeteners               like               sugar               or               honey               to               the               milkshake.
                   •               Sprouted               grainsand               lentils               -               Sprouted               grains               like               whole               wheat               and               sprouted               lentils               like               green               gram               make               a               crunchy               wholesome               energy               boosting               snack.

    Sprouting               grains               and               lentils               are               a               storehouse               of               energy               as               they               are               full               of               life               and               are               preparing               to               germinate.

    They               also               provide               plenty               of               proteins               and               fiber.
                   Soak               your               choice               of               grains               and               lentils               in               water               for               24-48               hours               in               a               warm               place               to               let               them               sprout.

    Snack               on               raw               sprouts               or               prepare               a               quick               snack               by               adding               pepper,               salt,               spices,               juice               from               a               freshly               squeezed               lime               and               cilantro               or               parsley               to               the               sprouts.
                   •               Yogurt               -               Yogurt               is               also               an               excellent               energy               boosting               snack.

    It               provides               sugar               in               the               form               of               lactose               and               plenty               of               calcium               and               proteins.

    Just               a               cup               of               plain               or               flavored               yogurt               is               enough               to               give               you               to               big               energy               boost.
                   If               you               do               not               like               the               fruity               flavors,               add               some               salt,               a               couple               of               mildly               roasted               jalapeno               pepper               slices,               finely               chopped               parsley               leaves               and               lime               juice               to               a               cup               of               plain               yogurt               to               give               it               a               spicy               taste.
                   •               Fresh               fruits               -               Fresh               oranges,               bananas               and               apples               make               good               energy               boosting               snacks.

    They               are               rich               in               fiber               and               vitamins               and               easy               to               digest.

    Snack               on               fresh               fruits               when               you               are               tired.

    Alternatively,               prepare               a               fresh               fruit               punch               or               a               fruity               milkshake               to               get               a               quick               energy               boost.

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    healthy energy boost

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    healthy energy boost

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    healthy energy boost

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    healthy energy boost

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    About 'pre workout energy drink'|Celsius Pre-Exercise Energy Drink Review & Give-a-way ends 09/23/2011...

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    WATER               INJECTION               101               Water               injection               is               old               technology.

    Dating               back               as               early               as               the               1930s,               World               War               II               fighter               planes               such               as               the               stealthy               De               Haviland               Mosquito               used               water               injection               to               increase               engine               power               immensely.
                   Water               injection               works               by               introducing               water               vapor               in               with               pre-combustion               air               before               this               air               goes               into               the               engine.

    Upon               combustion,               the               water               vapor               turns               to               steam               and               delivers               more               power               than               if               it               were               not               there.

    When               the               burnt               exhaust               gases               and               steam               have               finished               delivering               the               power               to               your               engine,               the               steam               assists               in               removing               useless               heat               from               your               engine.
                   Water               injection               also               lowers               the               engine's               overall               operating               temperature.

    Reducing               temperature               this               way               reduces               stress               to               the               engine.

    Water               injection               also               concentrates               the               force               of               combustion               to               the               exhaust               gases               themselves               -               thus               producing               a               more               efficient               burn.
                   Several               other               benefits               of               using               water               injection               are:
                   -               It               cools               the               engine               intake               air               temperature,               thus               providing               an               overall               more               dense               charge               of               air               going               into               your               engine.

    This               increase               in               air               mass               allows               for               an               increase               in               power               and               efficiency.
                   -               After               combustion,               the               water               vapor               turns               to               steam.

    This               steam               cleans               your               exhaust               gas               sensor,               yielding               a               more               accurate               on-board               computer               reading               from               this               gizmo.

    Theoretically,               this               increased               accuracy               can               help               your               car               run               more               efficiently.
                   -               The               exhaust               steam               derived               from               water               injection               also               cleans               your               exhaust               valves.

    Engine               exhaust               valves               invariably               have               a               build-up               of               carbon               attached               to               them,               which               could               significantly               degrade               your               engine's               performance.

    By               steam               cleaning               the               exhaust               valves,               you               can               regain               lost               power               and               efficiency.

    Likewise               it               steams               out               the               rest               of               your               exhaust               system,               including               the               catalytic               converter.
                   ALCOHOL               IN               THE               WATER               HELPS,               TOO
                   Over               the               years               folks               have               found               that               by               mixing               methanol               alcohol               (denatured)               or               isopropyl               alcohol               ("rubbing"               alcohol)               with               the               injection               water,               the               water               mist               evaporates               more               fully.

    By               doing               this,               the               overall               water               injection               concept               works               even               better.
                   On               top               of               that,               alcohol               burns.

    This               said,               injected               alcohol               vapor               can               replace               some               the               gasoline               or               diesel               fuel               you               are               burning,               which               is               a               good               thing               in               light               of               rising               fuel               costs.
                   WATER               INJECTION:               EXPENSIVE               TO               BUY               -               HARD               TO               INSTALL
                   While               a               water               injection               system               is               an               add-on               to               your               engine's               overall               system,               buying               an               injection               kit               can               be               costly.

    Installing               it               can               be               a               bear               also.
                   Are               there               any               alternatives?

                   It's               called               "Evaporated               Water-Alcohol               Infusion".

    Go               to               my               article               index               and               find               the               article               entitled               "Evaporated               Water               Infusion               For               Your               Car...".
                   Have               fun!
                   -               John

    Read               some               other               cool               articles:
                   Julia               Child:               Gourmand               or               Spy?
                   Julia               Child               captured               the               heart               the               1960s               American               television               audience               with               her               good               cooking               and               great               recipes.

    Little               do               people               know,               this               innocuous               lady               had               been               a               top-secret               spy               for               America's               Office               of               Strategic               Services.

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                   A               Plea               to               the               Media:               Keep               Us               in               the               Loop               with               Our               Ongoing               Issues
                   The               news               is               readily               available               to               us               viewers.

    We               see               it               on               TV,               we               hear               it               on               the               radio               while               commuting               to               work.

    What's               not               so               clear               is               our               priorities               in               dictating               the               kinds               of               news               we               see.

    Who               sets               these               priorities?

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                   Ticking               Time               Bomb?

    US-China               Trade               Deficit               Keeps               Growing
                   It's               like               this:               we've               racked               up               a               $430               billion               credit               card               bill               and               the               people               we               owe               could               be               waiting               to               spring               the               bill               on               us.

    What               do               we               do?

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                   Will               Our               American               Dream               Be               Its               Own               Demise?
                   Communication,               travel,               and               the               safe               payment               and               quick               shipment               of               goods               are               all               done               conveniently.

    These               conditions               have               "flattened"               the               global               trading               table.

    Look               where               that's               gotten               us               now...

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                   Summer               Electric               Bill               Saver:               Your               Basement               is               an               Air               Conditioner!
                   I               was               thinking               about               cranking               up               the               air               conditioning               (AC)               for               the               summer.

    But               I               noticed               something               that               made               me               stop               in               my               tracks:               the               basement               was               a               cool               customer.

    It               was               even               actually               livable!

    Read               more»
                   The               First               Stealth               Fighter:               The               De               Havilland               Mosquito
                   With               resources               such               as               skilled               labor,               gasoline               and               metal               in               short               supply,               how               could               England               manufacture               a               better               aircraft               to               meet               the               Nazi               threat?

    Luckily               a               handful               of               British               furniture               factories               provided               one               of               the               very               best               solutions:               the               Mosquito               fighter               plane!

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                   The               Energy               Transit               Spectrum
                   Wind               power               originally               comes               from               the               Sun.

    Coal               is               a               battery               for               Sun               and               Earth               energy.

    Hydroelectric               power               is               Sun               and               Earth               power.



    How               is               all               this               possible?

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                   What               is               an               "Energy               Source"?

    How               About               "Energy               Carriers"?
                   "With               all               these               catch               phrases               and               political               jabbering,               it's               no               wonder               that               many               people               I               speak               with               are               seriously               confused               about               what               energy               is               and               how               it's               delivered.

    If               you               want               to               be               the               hep-cat               on               energy,               go               simple.

    Learn               these               three               things..."               Read               more»
                   How               Much               Power               Your               Car               Needs               at               65               Vs.

    60               MPH?

    Try               27%               More               Power!
                   Wind               and               mechanical               resistance               builds               up               with               every               1               MPH               you               drive.

    Try               5               MPH               for               a               fuel               efficiency               killer!

    I               provide               mathematical               proof               AND               proof               from               my               own               car.

    Read               more»
                   Hydrogen               Gas               Generator               for               Your               Car!
                   With               the               rising               costs               of               auto               fuel,               I               decided               to               try               using               hydrogen               as               a               means               of               supplemental               power               for               my               car.

    Here's               my               story...

    Read               more»
                   Workout               Tip:               A               Hot               Shower               Just               Before               Working               Out               Cuts               Warm-up               Time
                   When               you               go               to               the               gym,               do               you               ever               dread               the               effort               of               getting               warmed               up?

    Hate               the               uphill               slog               from               cold               bones               until               you               finally               work               up               a               decent               sweat?

    Here's               a               tip:               trying               taking               a               hot               shower               for               a               few               minutes               just               before               working               out...

    Read               more»
                   A               Short               Diary               of               My               Experience               with               the               Acai               Berry
                   My               friend               Bob               from               the               warehouse               recently               called               me               out               of               the               blue.

    I               ended               up               meeting               with               him               and               his               friend,               and               they               told               me               about               a               "new"               product               whose               main               ingredient               was               the               acai               berry.

    They               wanted               me               to               try               it.

    I'm               glad               I               did...

    Read               more»
                   Gas               Saver:               100%               Acetone               as               a               Fuel               Additive
                   With               the               steady               increase               in               gas               prices,               folks               everywhere               are               looking               for               ways               to               help               stretch               their               gas               mileage-per-gallon.

    Here¡¦s               one               way:               try               using               100%               acetone               as               a               fuel               additive.

    Read               more»
                   Solar               Tower:               Ancient               Technology               Becomes               a               Modern               Power               Option
                   At               more               than               550               ft               high,               it               is               an               imposing               glass-like               tower               surrounded               with               acres               of               thick               transparent               sheeting               .

    You               think               to               yourself,               this               is               a               strange               thing               to               lay               eyes               on.

    It               is               something               truly               bizarre.

    Something               powerful.

    Read               more»
                   Work               in               China?

    Get               Your               Docs               in               Order!
                   While               there               is               plenty               written               about               touring               and               living               in               China,               there               is               relatively               little               information               about               what               kind               of               formalities               you               would               need               to               go               through               to               legally               work               in               China.

    Read               more»
                   "Unethical               Biodiesel"               and               the               Human               Food               Chain
                   From               an               ethical               perspective,               there               are               two               modes               of               biodiesel               production.

    Call               them               quite               simply               "ethical               biodiesel               production"               and               "unethical               biodiesel               production".

    One               greatly               outweighs               the               other               with               impending               disastrous               results.

    Read               more»
                   The               SR-71               Blackbird:               A               Supersonic               Stealth               Wonder
                   There               was               a               horrible               sound               over               the               Cold               War               Soviet               skies,               an               explosion               which               marked               the               detonation               of               a               SAM               2               antiaircraft               missile               meeting               its               target.

    A               few               minutes               later,               the               twisted               wreckage               of               an               American               U-2               spy               plane               came               tumbling               down.

    Read               more»
                   Stop               Engine               Wear?

    Use               a               By-Pass               Oil               Filter!
                   By-pass               oil               filtration               is               an               inexpensive               technology               that               virtually               stops               wear               and               tear               on               your               engine.

    As               an               added               benefit,               it               offers               the               equivalent               effect               of               an               oil               change               for               every               10               minutes               you               drive               your               car!

    Read               more»
                   Environment:               Coal               Ash               Dumping               is               Poisoning               Our               Water               &               Making               Us               Sick
                   A               deer               walks               up               to               a               stream               and               drinks               some               water.

    Unknowingly,               our               friend               took               a               drink               a               few               miles               downstream               from               a               coal               ash               dumping               site.

    A               few               days               later               the               deer               dies               writhing               in               agony,               vomit               spewing               from               its               mouth.

    Read               more»
                   Nuke               that               RV!

    Go               Small               (and               Cheap)               with               a               Mini-Camper!
                   Are               you               single?



    Really               low-maintenence?

    Maybe               going               with               nan               RV               or               camper               is               too               much               for               a               summer               camping               jaunt.

    The               answer:               a               (very)               mini-camper               does               the               job!

    Read               on!

    Read               more»
                   Charlie's               Coffee               Bar               &               Gallery               in               Richmond,               Indiana
                   I               was               thinking...

    If               I               was               a               weekend               motorcycle               enthusiast,               Charlie's               would               be               THE               place               to               bring               a               whole               load               of               friends               for               breakfast               and               some               java               before               or               after               hitting               the               open               road.

    Read               more»
                   What               Does               it               Take               to               Liven               Your               Landscape?


    Gazing               Balls,               that               Is!
                   It               seems               that               everywhere               I               go               in               the               countryside,               these               little               buggers               are               popping               up               everywhere               -               all               of               them               in               front               yards               where               jealous               neighbors               are               able               to               gaze               upon               them               and               thus               be               driven               to               acquiring               one               for               their               own               front               yard.

    Thus,               madness               begets               madness.

    Read               more»
                   Hong               Kong               Marks               Its               10-Year               Wedding               with               the               Mainland
                   June               23,               2007,               marked               the               passing               of               an               historic               event               that               has               impacted               the               lives               of               millions               of               people               the               world               over,               myself               included.

    Hong               Kong               has               tipped               its               head               in               acknowledgment               of               the               passing               of               10               years               under               the               flag               of               mainland               China.

    Read               more»
                   Virginia               School's               No-Contact               Policy:               A               Touch               Too               Much?
                   Some               Fairfax               County,               Virginia,               administrators               think               that               by               banning               a               basic               form               of               healthy               self-expression               -               a               basic               human               need               for               physical               contact               -               is               the               way               to               go.

    I               feel               this               is               not               so               much               a               way,               rather               more               a               dead               end.

    Read               more»
                   A               Must-Read               for               the               Prospective               Home               Biodiesel               Maker
                   Thinking               about               setting               up               a               biodiesel               "still"               in               the               backyard?

    Researching               biodiesel               as               a               lifestyle?

    Having               limited               success?

    Getting               frustrated               and               thinking               about               giving               up?

    Take               a               deep               breath               and               read               a               few               suggestions               from               a               successful               home-based               biodiesel               old-timer.

    Read               more»
                   Homebrewed               Biodiesel?

    Yep,               it               Can               Be               Done!
                   Heard               about               biodiesel               but               think               it's               a               bunch               of               hogwash?

    Heard               about               folks               making               this               stuff               at               home               and               wondering               whether               it               was               for               real?

    Take               some               time               to               read               this.

    This               is               a               real-life               Big               Johnny               story               about               free               fuel               for               your               (diesel)               car               or               truck.

    Read               more»
                   XS               Energy               Drink               Vs.

    Red               Bull,               Which               One               is               the               Best               Energy               Drink               in               the               USA?
                   Red               Bull               &               XS               Energy               -               they               promise               loads               of               energy               and               great               health,               but               do               the               ingredients               really               match               the               market               spin?

    I               slugged               a               few               of               these               puppies               and               I'll               tell               you               what               I               think               in               a               simple               What,               Who,               How,               How               Much,               When,               and               Where               format.

    Read               more»
                   Thinking               About               Using               Nitrogen               for               Your               Tires?
                   Many               products               and               services               have               arisen               to               meet               the               inflation               maintenance               issue.

    There               are               super-accurate               tire               pressure               gauges,               remote               pressure               warning               devices               -               and               the               list               goes               on               and               on.

    To               add               fuel               to               this               fire,               along               comes               a               new               contender:               nitrogen               gas.

    Read               more»
                   How               to               Optimize               that               Older               Windows               Computer               -               Without               Upgrading               to               a               New               One!
                   These               guidelines               intend               to               show               you               how               to               optimize               an               older               desktop               PC               without               going               hog               wild               on               cost,               and               preferably               using               existing               older               equipment.

    Read               more»
                   The               Use               of               Centrifuges               in               Biodiesel               Production
                   This               Executive               Summary               document               provides               an               introduction               on               the               benefits               of               applying               centrifuge               technology               to               large-scale               biodiesel               production.

    Read               more»

    Image of pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink
    pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink Image 1

    pre workout energy drink
    pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink Image 2

    pre workout energy drink
    pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink Image 3

    pre workout energy drink
    pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink Image 4

    pre workout energy drink
    pre workout energy drink

    pre workout energy drink Image 5

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    4. jasonferruggia.blogspot.com/   07/19/2007
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    5. southwestcommunitycenter.wordpress.com/   05/31/2011
      ... to make sure that you have pre or post workout drinks. This will ensure that you get the... your natural source of energy stored in your muscles...
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    7. losethestomachfat.blogspot.com/   09/20/2010
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    8. road2riddick.blogspot.com/   09/22/2009
      ...unfortunately reached disappointment for every attempt. IMO, not worth it... Juggernaut Pre-Workout Supplement/Energy Drink : Verdict - Tastes like a$$ and is horrible! Noticed no improvement...
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