2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'nutrition foods for energy'|... forces; for others, it...and the consequent rise in food prices and energy. But every child that...without heat and adequate nutrition, which affects...

About 'nutrition foods for energy'|... forces; for others, it...and the consequent rise in food prices and energy. But every child that...without heat and adequate nutrition, which affects...

"Gimme               a               head               with               hair,               long               beautiful               hair
Shining,               gleaming,               steaming,               flaxen,               waxen
Give               me               down               to               there,               hair!"               These               are               actually               lyrics               from               the               song               "Hair"               which               hails               from               the               famous               Broadway               rock               musical               of               the               same               name.

The               song               is               actually               about               hippies               of               the               late               '60s               with               long               hair               as               their               statement,               much               like               tattoos               and               body               piercing               are               today.

However,               when               you               see               photographs               of               people               from               that               era               you               can't               help               but               be               amazed               by               the               amount               of               hair               on               both               male               and               females               during               those               times.

I               remembered               as               a               teen               back               in               the               '70s,               taking               care               of               your               hair               was               extremely               popular,               more               so               than               today.

The               big               thing               then               was               eliminating               split               ends               and               making               your               hair               shiny.

There               was               very               little               about               the               overall               health               of               one's               hair.
               You               see               countless               television               commercials               from               the               past               and               present               touting               to               use               this               shampoo               and               this               conditioner               and               you'll               have               the               most               beautiful               head               of               hair               possible.

I               suppose               that               is               true               temporarily,               until               the               next               cycle               of               washing               and               conditioning.

What               happens               in               between               those               times?

According               to               Dawn               Jackson               Blatner,               RD,               a               dietitian               from               Chicago               says,               "the               foundation               of               our               new               hair               is               in               the               nutrients               we               eat.

If               you               consistently               eat               a               healthy               diet               you'll               grow               stronger               and               healthier               cells               throughout               your               body               internally               and               externally."               Hair               and               nutrition               experts               also               say               a               well-balanced               diet               of               proteins               and               iron               does               make               a               difference.

Beware               of               dietary               supplements               that               promise               to               make               your               hair               thicker               or               grow               faster.
               What               are               the               specific               foods               needed               for               healthy               hair?

The               following               information               will               be               a               guide               to               a               mixture               of               protein,               complex               carbohydrates,               vitamins,               and               minerals               that               are               its               foundation.

It               is               important               to               know               firsthand               that               a               balance               is               needed               with               all               of               these               foods               for               optimum               healthy               hair.

A               great               book               to               read               The               Hair               Bible:               A               Complete               Guide               to               Health               and               Care               by               Philip               Kingsley,               a               famous               hairdresser,               stresses               the               significance               of               eating               a               healthy               protein-packed               breakfast               each               day,               since               the               energy               levels               in               your               hair               follicles               are               at               its               lowest               in               the               mornings.

Here               is               a               list               of               fresh               vegetables,               fruits,               meats,               and               other               foods               recommended               by               various               sources               for               you               to               have               healthy,               shiny               hair.
               Vegetables               -               Beans,               carrots,               dark               green               vegetables               such               as               spinach,               broccoli,               and               Swiss               Chard               (similar               to               a               beet)               are               excellent               sources               of               iron,               calcium,               and               vitamins               A               &               C.

These               particular               vitamins               produce               sebum,               which               is               the               oily               substance               secreted               by               the               hair               follicles               that               act               as               the               body's               natural               hair               conditioner.

Beans               also               provide               plenty               of               protein               for               hair               growth               and               have               an               ample               supply               of               iron,               zinc,               and               biotin.

Legumes               such               as               kidney               beans               and               lentils               are               important               for               a               hair               care               diet.

Carrots               are               excellent               for               a               healthy               scalp,               which               is               essential               for               shiny               and               well-conditioned               hair,               because               it               contains               Vitamin               A.
               Fruits               &               Nuts               -               Essentially               any               and               all               fruits               are               vital               to               a               diet               for               healthy               hair.

They               can               be               eaten               for               breakfast               and               throughout               the               day               as               a               nutritional               snack.

You               can               never               go               wrong               with               fruits,               because               they               oftentimes               are               high               in               water,               fiber,               and               Vitamin               C.

Brazil               nuts               are               nature's               best               source               for               selenium,               which               is               an               important               mineral               for               the               scalp.

Also,               walnuts               contain               omega-3               fatty               acid               that               helps               with               conditioning               the               hair.

Additional               nuts               such               as               cashews,               almonds,               and               pecans               contain               a               wonderful               amount               of               zinc               that               helps               prevent               shedding               of               the               hair.
               Meat/Fish/Poultry               -               Eating               beef               twice               a               week               is               highly               recommended,               not               only               for               its               obvious               protein               factor,               it               has               vitamin               B,               iron,               zinc,               and               other               important               minerals               for               optimal               hair               health.

Believe               it               or               not               bacon               is               another               source               of               meat               protein               for               your               hair               care               diet               containing               zinc               and               vitamin               B.

Lamb               is               another               meat               protein               to               consider.

The               number               one               fish               that               is               the               best               food               for               healthy               hair               is               salmon,               because               it               includes               multiple               vitamins               and               minerals               such               as               vitamins               B,               B-12,               iron,               and               omega-3               fatty               acids.

These               help               with               the               prevention               of               a               dry               scalp,               which               can               lead               to               giving               hair               that               dull               look.
               If               you               are               a               vegetarian               an               alternative               to               fish               protein               would               be               one               to               two               tablespoons               of               ground               flaxseed               into               your               diet.

Another               seafood               high               in               protein,               but               never               thought               of               for               hair               care               are               oysters.

Yes,               they               have               a               reputation               for               being               an               aphrodisiac,               but               they               also               contain               zinc,               which               is               a               powerful               antioxidant.

Poultry               is               another               important               protein.

Without               protein               and               iron               in               the               diet               your               hair               can               become               weak,               brittle,               and               lose               its               color.

Chicken               and               turkey               are               the               best               sources               of               high-quality               protein.

Once               again               for               the               vegetarians,               egg               whites               are               the               next               best               thing               if               you               can't               or               won't               eat               animal               protein.

Eggs               scrambled,               fried,               or               over               easy               are               great               for               anyone               to               eat               and               have               healthy               hair               in               the               process               too.
               Grains/Dairy               Products               -               Brown               short-grain               rice,               whole-wheat               bread,               and               whole-grain               breakfast               cereals               are               excellent               complex               carbohydrates               for               B               vitamins,               fiber,               zinc,               and               iron.

Low-fat               diary               products               like               cottage               cheese,               skim               milk,               and               yogurt               contain               the               vital               mineral               that               is               calcium.

Whey               and               casein               are               sources               of               high               proteins               as               well.

Cottage               cheese               and               yogurt               make               great               "on               the               go"               snacks,               since               they               now               have               the               mini               container               sizes.
               This               wraps               up               the               list               of               the               needed               foods               for               healthy,               shiny               hair.

One               other               important               item               that               was               not               mentioned               earlier               is               to               drink               plenty               of               water               to               keep               you               and               your               hair               hydrated.

Another               important               bit               of               advice               for               healthy               hair               is               not               to               drink               alcohol,               smoke,               or               eat               a               lot               of               processed               foods               such               as               cookies,               cakes,               and               candies.

Be               sure               and               remember               to               have               an               overall               balanced               diet               of               vegetables,               legumes,               fruits,               lean               proteins,               fish,               grains,               and               low-fat               dairy               items.

It               will               give               you               the               healthiest               and               shiniest               hair               around.

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