2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'sports energy drinks'|Energy Drinks and Sports Drinks Rotting Teens’ Teeth

About 'sports energy drinks'|Energy Drinks and Sports Drinks Rotting Teens’ Teeth

Energy               drinks               have               come               under               scrutiny               because               of               their               high               caffeine               content               -               along               with               other               ingredients               that               increase               blood               pressure               and               heart               rate.

Even               more               disturbing               is               the               fact               that               some               teens               are               mixing               energy               drinks               with               alcohol               to               get               a               stronger               "buzz".

Now,               there's               a               healthier               alternative               to               energy               drinks               -               a               drink               called               Beet               It.

The               name               befits               the               product               since               Beet               It               is               made               from               beetroot               juice.

Beetroot               juice               has               been               growing               in               popularity               -               especially               among               athletes               -               after               a               study               showed               that               it               boosted               exercise               stamina               and               endurance.

Studies               show               that               sipping               beetroot               juice               makes               exercise               less               tiring               -               which               allows               a               person               to               exercise               up               to               sixteen               percent               longer.
               Unlike               energy               drinks               which               raise               blood               pressure               -               sometimes               significantly               -               Beet               It               beet               root               juice               drink               has               a               blood               pressure               lowering               effect               because               of               the               natural               nitrates               it               contains.

These               nitrates               are               converted               by               bacteria               in               the               mouth               into               nitrites.

These               nitrites               are               processed               by               the               body               to               produce               nitric               oxide               -               a               chemical               which               dilates               the               blood               vessels               and               lowers               blood               pressure.

Beetroot               juice               is               a               healthy               energy               drink               alternative               because               of               its               blood               vessel               relaxing               nitric               oxide               and               because               of               what               it               doesn't               contain               -               caffeine.
               The               bad               news               about               this               natural               energy               drink               alternative               is               it's               only               available               in               Great               Britain               -               at               least               so               far               -               but               with               the               growing               interest               in               beetroot               juice               as               a               sports               performance               enhancer,               don't               be               surprised               to               find               it               on               store               shelves               in               the               United               States               in               the               near               future.

The               good               news               is               you               can               buy               beetroot               juice               in               a               juice               form               from               various               sites               online,               although               it's               expensive,               with               prices               ranging               from               $9.00               to               over               $40.00               for               a               seventeen               ounce               bottle.

An               alternative               is               to               buy               beetroot               from               your               local               organic               food               market               and               use               a               juicer               to               make               it               yourself.

If               you               do,               choose               a               beetroot               that's               smaller               in               size               since               they're               sweeter.
               Beetroot               juice               is               a               healthier               alternative               to               energy               drinks               -               especially               if               you're               an               athlete.

One               word               of               warning.

If               you               drink               beetroot               juice,               don't               be               surprised               if               your               urine               and               stool               turn               red.

Some               people               are               unable               to               break               down               the               betacyanins               found               in               beetroot               juice               -               and               the               results               can               be               pretty               startling               if               you               look               in               the               toilet.

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sports energy drinks

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sports energy drinks

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