About 'weight loss and energy'|Standing up for weight loss, focus and energy
We live in a fast-paced world where convenience takes precedence over our health and well-being. The media is flooded with flashy solutions for losing weight such as: magical pills that claim to help an individual shed pounds overnight, trendy diets that guarantee a noticeable success in an unrealistic amount of time, and "natural" creams that supposedly firm and sculpt the body into an athletic masterpiece after a few applications. If these miracle cures work so well, why do we have a nationwide epidemic on our hands? According to the National Center for Health Statistics, sixty-six percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese and the number of overweight children in America is on the rise as well. So what really works? Here are a few things to remember about healthy weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. Physical activity > Calorie intake: Don't believe the hype; there are no quick fixes that instantly melt pounds away. Exercise is a key component for weight loss. Thirty to sixty minutes of vigorous activity a day, whether it be a few laps around the mall or an afternoon walk around the neighborhood, is a good way to burn extra calories and unwanted fat. Whatever the activity, make sure it is conducive to what your body can handle. "No pain, no gain" is a phrase of the past. Exercise does not have to be strenuous in order to be effective. Liquid Diet: Since 70% of our bodies are made up of water, it only makes sense to refresh this component as much as possible. Eight glasses of water a day is recommended for an individual whether dieting or not. Not only does this amazing mineral aid in weight loss, it also hydrates skin cells to give a healthier physical appearance. Don't like the taste? Add a twist of lemon for a splash of flavor or brew up a decaffeinated tea. Less is More: Dieting does not require starvation. We can still eat what we want, but not as much as we want. Proper portions are important for a healthy diet and healthy weight loss. In order to determine what a reasonable portion is, simply make a fist and place it on a dinner plate; this will give you a general idea of what a single serving should be. Having a bowl of cereal for breakfast? Save room for some fruit! Use the half and half method. Fill half of the bowl with cereal and the other half with bananas or strawberries. A few minor changes can significantly change the nutritional value of a dish. Fat is important: Yes, it's true. Fat is necessary in a healthy diet. Fat is stored in the body, and it's used as a source of heat and energy. However, beware of certain foods such as: cheese, egg yolks, potato chips, and most processed foods. These items are high in saturated fat which is a known contributor of heart disease. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, are easier for the body to break down and are known to decrease the risk of heart disease. Healthy fats to search for include: fish, peanuts, soybean, and olive oil. Cooking Methods: Avoid adding extra fatty substances when cooking a dish. Bake it, broil it, steam it, but don't fry it! Also, try to incorporate a nutritious element into a meal when you can. For instance, a simple ingredient that can make a healthy difference is olive oil. Instead of making a cream sauce, consider mixing your pasta with a nice blend of olive oil, spices, and fresh herbs; you can also replace butter or margarine by spreading it over a warm piece of garlic bread. The hardest part of dieting is change. Many diets fail because we can't break the routines that we have acquired. So take it one step at a time; make small changes at first. It's easier for the body to gradually become accustomed to new things rather than attempting to shock it into action. Give it time, and let initiative do the rest. |
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Weight Loss And Energy - Blog Homepage Results
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Learn how to lose weight with effective exercise, diet, nutrition, metabolism, energy balance and fat oxidation to lose fat permanently. Create a weight loss program to suit lifestyle and body types.
This blog is dedicated to help you enjoy better health and have a good nutrition and energy as you seek to reach your ideal weight.
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